YPA Applauds Historic Executive Order Protecting LGBTQ Individuals


June 16, 2022

Contact: Cameron Bartosiewicz; outreach@ypapride.org

Youth Pride Association Applauds Historic Executive Order protecting LGBTQ Individuals

Washington, DC (June 16th, 2022) – The Youth Pride Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering the acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) students in educational institutions, applauds President Biden for signing a historic executive order advancing LGBTQ equality. This executive order calls for the Health and Human Services (HHS) to lead an initiative to reduce the risk of exposure to “conversion therapy” for LGBTQ youth, as well as raise public awareness of the dangers and harmful effects of the condemned practice. The order also calls for the HHS to take steps to address inequities in health care access, as well as promote expanded access to gender-affirming care and access to suicide prevention resources. The order also includes several directives to address LGBTQ youth homelessness, state legislation targeting LGBTQ youth, and expand federal data collection on sexual orientations and gender identities. 

“This is a truly historic measure to address discriminatory policies affecting LGBTQ youth, barriers to access of equitable health care, and the effects of anti-LGBTQ legislation,” said Cameron Bartosiewicz, President at Youth Pride Association. “While this does provide significant progress towards LGBTQ equality, this provides us a framework to build on to expand federal protections of LGBTQ people.”

About Youth Pride Association

The Youth Pride Association (YPA) is a national nonprofit organization working to promote and foster the acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people in educational institutions. YPA works to address the adversities LGBTQ youth face in schools through education, support, and advocacy.

Youth Pride Association's President, Cameron Bartosiewicz, is available for interviews.


(949) 755-7694
